One of the great opportunities available to Kim and I since moving from Darwin to Brisbane three years ago has been the chance to do a lot more community theatre. In Darwin if you want to put on a show, you’ve really got to put it together yourself. There are one or two ad hoc companies around, but if you want to do something you’re proud of your best bet is to do it yourself.

Read more: The Unexpected Guest

So somehow in the crazy mess of finishing off As You Like It and gearing up for The Unexpected Guest, Kim and I managed to find time to go house hunting. And not just house hunting: house catching. The task of selecting a house was made very difficult by the sheer number and variety of houses on the market. The act of catching a house was made easier by the fact that houses don’t run very fast.

Read more: Home Owners

So it seems that so far, my career as a freelance blogger, part time comedian and celebrity stunt linguist hasn’t quite taken off. I’m working on an angle as an undercover flash pianist, but in the meantime I thought perhaps I should try and learn how to do something useful with my time.

Read more: Stick a Pin in it

It seems like a little while since I’ve gunked up my blog with promotions for my latest theatrical effort. It must be about that time again, eh?

Read more: As You Like It

The question of what sort of work I should try to pick up while I’m slogging away at my masters degree is always a tricky one. I’m generally considered too old or too over qualified for entry level retail or hospitality work (because, you know, the last thing employers want is someone working for them who’s experienced, educated and able to think for himself) and attempts at picking up casual office work have not gone well. But last week I spotted an ad on the jobs website I hadn’t seen before:

Read more: Chess Tutor?

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